Editing video sound

Basically, video sound, too, can be edited using all features of Wings Vioso RX. For this purpose, the sound is extracted from the video and is then made available as a sound object in an audio track.

Extracting audio data

  1. Click one Media Pool category Video.

  2. Now drag the corresponding video from the Media Pool into an audio track. This causes the audio data to be extracted, the display data to be rendered and a corresponding sound object to be created. On the hard disk and in the Media Pool an audio file is created.

  3. This sound object can be edited as desired. See Sound editing.

Synchronizing audio data with the video picture

Sound and video objects can be synced in time via certain functions, such as Aligning objects or via the magnetic Locator. However, this is no longer possible after you have cropped the objects separately as the reference in time of these objects has been lost. In such cases, however, you can still align the content of the objects which works also with a number of differently cropped objects.

  1. Cut the sound object roughly to match the length of the video object and move it to the approximate location in time of the video.

  2. Mark the video object. Right-click the pertaining sound object and select Special FunctionsAlign content. Following this, picture and sound will be in perfect synchrony.

  3. Length as well as fade-ins and outs of video and sound objects can be edited further. Before moving them, both objects must be marked.