Multi-channel sound

Projects with multi-channel sound require the Pro License or higher. A multi-channel project is created in two steps:

Output of multi-channel sound can be effected via a computer with the corresponding multi-channel sound cards (up to 32 channels) or as a WMV format video with 5.1 or 7.1 channel mode. See also Producing a Windows Media video.

Assigning sound card outputs

First of all, you need to assign the outputs of your sound cards to Wings Vioso RX.

  1. Click Options in the tool bar below the main menu or Extras and Options in the main menu and select Sound cards ASIO or Sound card WDM in the left field of the Options dialog. If this entry is not visible, click on the plus sign next to Global Options.

Note: In most cases the choice of ASIO sound cards will be appropriate, as ASIO drivers allows multi-channel sound even with standard sound cards or onboard sound chips, provided they have several outputs. You only need to install software tool ASIO4ALL which is available on the web at

Sound cards ASIO

Sound cards WDM

Assigning output channels to the audio tracks

Every audio track in Wings Vioso RX usually has a stereo output for signal output assigned to it.  However, it is also possible to assign the signals on one audio track simultaneously to several outputs.

Assigning the audio track to a stereo output:

  1. Right-click the track head and select Properties.

  2. Under Audio output select the required stereo output for the track.

  3. For field Name you can enter a designation to be visible in the track head, e.g. front, rear, center...

Assigning an audio track to several stereo outputs:

  1. Right-click the track head and select Properties.

  2. Place a checkmark next to Enable multi-channel assignment, followed by clicking on  Multi-channel settings.

  3. In the following dialog you can select up to 24 output channels, by preselecting the range of visible channels on the left. To enable a channel, you place a checkmark at its top and click field –inf (...or the db value) to set the slider to zero dB. Of course it is also possible to enter any other output level.

Please bear in mind that an audio track outputs two different signals for stereo files: Stereo left can only output to channels with odd number, while Stereo right can only be output to channels with even numbers.

  1. Close the dialog by clicking OK. For field Name you can enter a designation to be visible in the track head, e.g. front, rear, center ...

  2. Close the dialog by clicking OK. As a sign for multi-channel output the track head will show three loudspeaker symbols.