Output of Windows Media Videos

Once a show has been provided with digital pictures and videos and been completed, you can create a video in WMV format. Output of WMV videos, however, requires the Advanced License. Wings Vioso RX also supports WMV multi-channel audio in 5.1 and 7.1 mode, provided the Pro License is installed.

Unless you have already done so, take the following preparatory steps:

This is how you can produce a Windows Media Video of your show:

    1. Open your show. If you have just finished editing your project, save the modifications.

    2. In the main menu, click Output - Windows Media Video... for a dialog to pop up.

    3. For standard shows the default settings for Timeline and Screen as well as Display can remain as they are. You only need to choose the corresponding screens or timelines, when you are using several screens and timelines for your project. For multidisplay projects you can either select one individual display for output or All active displays, which allows creation of all picture sequences for all active displays in one go. Option Display Splitting is used for distributed and simultaneous rendering via client computerss and can only be used by specialist for very special applications.

    1. Checkbox Fill output frame usually remains unchecked, to avoid distortion of screen or pictures. When the aspect ratios of screen and video to be produced differ, a black border is formed. To avoid black borders, check checkbox Fill Output Frame. In this case the picture may be distorted as the full output format is forced.

        1. For Multidisplay projects using a number of networked computers, you can have the softedge mask additionally rendered into the picture. If applicable, place a checkmark next to this option.

        2. Option Allow usage of intermediate video data can be enabled if you encounter problems, e.g. if H.264 videos cannot be rendered on the basis of original data. When this option is checked, intermediate video data are used for rendering, provided they are available for the videos in question.

        3. Option Adjust picture display data manually  should only be checked if you have important reasons to do so. It deactivates automatic creation of suitable display data for the chosen output size. A manual reduction of the display data size may, for instance, be necessary when there is not enough graphics memory for rendering the picture sequence and certain media are not displayed in the picture sequence.

        4. If the video is to be presented on a monitor or video projector, leave the value for Black border at 0 %. Only if you would like to present the video on a TV monitor, should you add a black border. Otherwise the picture is cropped. See also Border for playback on TV screens. At Black border enter a value of 5 % (... corresponds to 2.5 % along the periphery) which should be suitable for most TV sets.

        1. Select the portion to be rendered as video. The following options are available:

        1. The target directory is your project folder, the preset filename is "Video 001". You can change these settings by clicking on and making the corresponding alterations. Finally, click Next.


          1. Next to Profile click on the arrow and select the required profile. Which preset you choose primarily depends on the further usage of the video or playback (PC, Internet, etc.). In the field below you will find a few remarks on the profile after selecting it.

          Profiles for stereo sound track

          Profiles for surround sound track 5.1 or 7.1

          1. After selecting the profile you need to enter Width and Height for the corresponding video picture size. By clicking on you can Assign standard screen output size, which is appropriate for split videos and multidisplay shows. Please note that pixel values must be dividable by 4.

          2. The appropriate frame rate for playback from the computer is 25, 30 or 60 frames/s. The appropriate frame rate also depends on the videos integrated in the show. See also Media integration.  The best results can be achieved at 60 f/s, which has a particularly positive effect on fast moving picture elements but which, on the other hand, requires more computing power for playback.

          3. If you have made the corresponding setting, click Next.

          Further actions

            1. You can plan actions to be carried out directly after video rendering:

            2. No further actions ...nothing happens, the MPEG file is stored on the hard disk for further use.

            3. Show options dialog ...will show you the Options dialog again at a later time and provides information about video creation.

            4. Start playback  ...starts the video with the player specified under Options - Global Options - Media Editors.

            5. Insert as presentation into the current project  ...creates a video track in Exclusive Mode (...requires the Advanced License or up) in the current project containing the new video. You can start it in presentation mode by pressing the F5 key.

            6. If you want to shut down and switch off the computer at the end of video rendering, you need to check Afterwards and select the corresponding action by clicking on .

            1. Click on Start to begin video rendering. This may take up to several hours, depending on picture size, show length and computer performance. Progress and cumulative speed at x-times real time can be recognized in the progress dialog.