Determining the peak level for sound objects

For digital sound, volumes above zero dB cannot be reproduced. This is why you have to make sure that the audio level is set correctly. While editing sound in Wings Vioso RX, wrong settings will not result in a data loss because Wings Vioso RX has a greater dynamic range than audio CDs. However, if you need to output audio data for use by other media, the audio level must be correct.

What would you like to do?

Searching for the peak level in individual audio files and sound objects

Searching for the peak level within several objects

Graphic display of the audio level

Please see also the information about how to deal with volume and audio level and The K-System - Checking volume and dynamic range.

Peak level for individual audio files and sound objects

Right-click a sound object and select Properties.


Peak level within several sound objects

If you want to search for the peak level within several objects, which may also be mixed and edited with effects, proceed as follows:

    1. Mark the required objects in the timeline.  ...Marking objects

    2. Right-click one of these objects and select Special FunctionsChange volume.

    3. Now click on Peak Search. After searching the peak level the Locator jumps to the location of the peak level. The maximum values for every channel are displayed as Peak level or RMS level. The Peak Level  is the decisive factor for a numerically correct audio level. The RMS Level, on the other hand, measures the power and can very well be used for judging the loudness.

    4. The volume of all selected sound objects  can now be altered by means of the slider control. ... If you want to reset the highest volume to zero, simply click on Normalize (Peak).  The volume changes are applied to all objects concerned after clicking OK.

    The procedures for determining the peak level mentioned above  consider all volume influences, except for the sum level controls. If the sum level controls deviate from zero dB, the output signal is modified by this amount. You can adjust the overall soundtrack volume, i.e. all audio objects on a timeline, by means of the sum volume controls.