Adjusting the volume

The volume of sound objects can be influenced in a number of ways.

What would you like to do?

Basic volume of an object

Adjusting the volume using a ramp band

Changing the volume of several objects

Adjusting the overall volume of the soundtrack

Find out more about how to deal with volume


Basic volume of an object

...See also Using slider controls.


Adjusting the volume using a ramp band

For sound objects, ramp band and nodes form a time-dependent volume control. This allows you to implement any volume progression. ... Info about editing ramp bands.


Changing the volume of several objects

    1. Select respectively mark the required sound objects and right-click one of the objects. Select Special Functions – Change volume ...

    2. Change the volume using the slider controls and click OK. The volume will be changed for all selected sound objects. ... See also Using slider controls.

    By clicking Peak Search you can determine the peak volume and assess the Peak Level for a numerically correct audio level. The RMS Level, on the other hand, measures the power and can easily be used for judging the subjective perception of loudness.


    Adjusting the overall volume of the soundtrack

    The volume for the mix of all sound objects is called sum volume or level. Adjusting the sum volume effects all objects likewise. This is how it is done:

    ...Please see also

    Which slider controls have a real time effect on sound?

    Tips for volume and audio level

    The K-System - Checking volume and dynamics

    Separate sum level adjustment.