Change volume

This dialog will help you to alter the volume of sound objects or of a single file to be exported. Which function is active can be seen from the remark at the top of the dialog.

Which remark is visible?

Volume changes are applied to the currently selected sound object(s)

Volume changes are applied to the exported audio file only


Checking or altering the volume of one or several selected sound objects.

The methods for determining the peak level mentioned above consider all volume influences, except for the sum level volume control. When the sum level controls deviate from zero dB, the output signal is modified by this amount. You can still influence the overall sound track volume, i.e. all sound objects in a timeline, with the sum level controls.

See also

Adjusting the volume

Tips for volume and audio level


Export volume for file to be exported

Here you can check or alter the volume of the sound objects to be exported. The volume alteration only affects the file to be exported but not the sound objects in the timeline.

    1. Click on Peak Search. After searching the Locator jumps to the location of the maximum volume. The maximum values for every channel are displayed as Peak level or RMS level. The Peak Level is the decisive factor for a numerically correct audio level. The RMS Level, on the other hand, measures the power and can very well be used for judging the loudness.

    2. The volume of audio files to be exported can now be altered by means of the slider control. ... See also How to use slider controls. If you want to reset the highest volume to zero, simply click on Normalize (Peak). Finally, click OK.

    See also

    Exporting sound objects