Asynchronous audio playback

This function requires the Pro License or higher. See Licenses and functions.

Asynchronous loop playback allows audio to be continued even if the Locator stops at a pause marker. This way some music or other sounds can be continued in Speaker Support Mode while the presenter is speaking. Asynchronous sound can also run in a loop, i.e. it starts from the beginning again and again. This very convenient if you do not know exactly how long the break will be.

Asynchronous audio playback requires a sound card with "multi-client" capability and WDM drivers (...ASIO drivers cannot be used). While the normal, up-to-date stereo sound cards usually have "multi-client capability", whereas professional sound cards and interfaces usually don't..  If you want to use a professional multi-channel sound card, you need to use a separate stereo output for asynchronous playback. This allows synced soundtrack and asynchronous interval sound to be mixed externally.


And this is how it is done:

    1. For asynchronous playback you need an audio track to be output asynchronously. Right-click the track head of an empty audio track and select Properties. Add a new audio track if no empty track is available. See Adding tracks.

    2. Add a checkmark next to Asynchronous mode for presentation and close the dialog by clicking OK. The symbol in track head will change as an indication for asynchronous mode.

    3. Drag an audio file from the Medial Pool into the asynchronous mode track. Please note that a track in asynchronous mode does not allow any crossfades by shifting the objects on top of each other.

    4. You can now start playback for the audio to be played back as usual. When you press the space bar and put Wings Vioso RX into Pause Mode, the audio on the asynchronous mode track continues playing. You can now start and pause playback as desired; the audio in the asynchronous mode track is continued until the end of the audio file.

    5. Paused playback can also be achieved by setting pause markers. When the Locator stops at a pause marker, playback of all tracks is paused except for the sound on the asynchronous track.

    See also

    Asynchronous playback of video loop

    Other methods for loop playback