Restoring data

Projects saved onto CD/DVD via the backup function can be restored to the hard disk as follows:

  1. Copy the whole contents of all backup CDs/DVDs of a project into a new directory on your hard disk (e.g. via Windows Explorer). When copying back data from several CDs/DVDs, you may be confronted with messages asking you whether files and the project file (*.w6) are to be overwritten. You can answer Yes without any problems since there will always be several copies of these files available on the backup media anyway.

  2. Double-click the project file which can be recognized by the file extension *.w6, or *.w5, *.pt4, *.pt3, *.ptp for older projects. While loading, Wings Vioso RX offers to search for the required files. Specify the corresponding folder or at least the target drive. See also Searching for missing files.

  3. Save the successfully loaded project again to save the altered pathnames along with it.

  4. Backup copies do not usually contain any display data. This is why you should now create all the necessary display data. See Creating display data for media files.