
Click on   Options in the function bar below the main menu and select Global Options - Save on the left.

Backup copies

Check this box if Wings Vioso RX is to produce a safety backup copy of your project. Additionally, enter the time interval for doing so. After a computer or system crash, Wings Vioso RX will use these backup copies to restore the project loaded during the time of the crash.

This backup copy function is a mere safety measure in case of system problems and no replacement for saving the project .

Just in case you happen to have accidentally overwritten a project file it may be important to know that the last 10 safety copies are located in folder in folder Autosave, with Backup_0.w6 being the latest file. This file and any other older backup copies can simply be opened by double-clicking them and saving them in the corresponding project folder under a different name. The easiest way to open Folder Autosave is by clicking Extras in the main menu followed by selecting Open folder and Autosave.

Folder for temporary files

Here you can specify the location to save temporary files by clicking . This is the folder for temporary storage of files for creation of presentation media, for example. Choose a drive with sufficient memory capacity.

Automatic date correction

When display data are constantly being recreated because their original data have a future date (the date set at your PC is earlier than that of the graphics file) you can have this corrected automatically. To do so, check Automatically correct invalid file dates.


Extended Logging should only be chosen in special cases for analytical purposes since it may affect performance due to the high number of log entries that are made even during the presentation.

Even when Extended logging is deselected, any failure to load all media into the graphics memory during a presentation is still logged in the log file after stopping the presentation.

Avio Configuration

This function is available with a Pro License and higher.

If Option Save and load Avio configuration with project is enabled, the Avio configuration is saved along with the Wings Vioso RX project file and loaded whenever the project is loaded. This is usually quite a nice feature but if you load a project with a different hardware and network configuration it may be useful to disable this option in order to maintain your own Avio configuration.

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