Cyclic data output to a number of devices

The information of one data or switch object can be output cyclically to several devices. In this case, the value of a data object are output in turn to several devices, allowing you to create running light, for example. This option is available for switch and data objects, which makes the range of possible applications very wide. One single object therefore allows creation of extra nifty effects with a minimum effort.

And this is how it is done:

    1. Drag a device or control channel into a universal track to create an object.

    2. Hold the Ctrl key and drag all control channels participating in cyclic output onto the object.  In the info line you will see plus signs +++, signalising several devices linked up with this object.

    3. Double-click the info line for the Properties Dialog to appear. Item Output devices lists all devices receiving data from this object.

    4. Place a checkmark next to Cyclic output and enter the desired number of output cycles for the object at Cycles. The frequency depends on the length of the object and the number of cycles. Two more options are available:

    5. Inverse  ...outputs the current value to all devices and cyclically sets one to zero. Usually, all devices are set to zero and the current value is cyclically output to one of them.

    6. Reverse...reverses the order, i.e. start is at the last device.

    You should try these options in practice to find out about how they work.

    1. After clicking on OK you can test output, which requires devices to be connected or at least a control panel field for the devices in the Control Panel. When the object length changes, the frequency changes, too. For data objects the values can be varied with the ramp band as usual, i.e. you can create fade-ins or outs, for example.

    Please consider that the maximum time resolution, i.e. the data update rate for cyclic output is 1/100 second. However, whether this time resolution can be achieved or not, depends on the data traffic and the achievable baud rate within the SC Net.

    See also

    Adding control panel fields

    Programming analog/DMX devices

    Programming switches