Adding control panel fields

This function requires the Pro License or up or the Show Control Module. See Licenses and functions.

Various devices (switches, 0 – 10 Volts, DMX, serial drivers, servomotors, motion bases and slide projectors) as well as triggers can be placed into the Control Panel as control panel fields for direct access and operation, as well as status display. Moreover, variables can also be displayed on the SC Master. See Setting variables.

A control panel field is always added the same way:

    1. Click tab Control Panel. It is located at the same place as the Project Explorer or the Audio Level.

    2. What type of control panel field would you like to add?

    Device/Control channel

    Master/Client computers


    Driver command

    MIDI command

    Display of variables

    Displaying variables from SC Master

    1. A control panel field can be grabbed at the title bar and moved. You may have noticed that the control panel fields snap to the suggested checkerboard pattern on the Control Panel.

    2. The designation in the title bar corresponds to the name specified for the device. It can be changed by right-clicking the control panel field, selecting Properties and entering the corresponding name. The Properties Dialog offers various options for button functions, display of values, remote control and color design, which are explained in detail in topic Control panel field properties.

    3. Finish by clicking on OK.

    You can have the devices, triggers, etc. which are linked up with the control panel fields displayed in the Media Pool by clicking the control panel field and selecting Display Pool Object.

    See also

    Operating devices via control panel fields