Slave mode with MIDI timecode synchronization

This function requires the Pro License or higher (not available for additional licenses). See also Licenses and functions.

For synchronization with MIDI timecode you can use a MIDI port at the Wings Vioso RX computer. As timecode slave, Wings Vioso RX will synchonize with the supplied MIDI timecode. If you want to synchronize a multidisplay presentation with a number of networked computers, the master presentation computer simultaneously acts as timecode slave computer.

Creating a MIDI port for timecode

For Wings Vioso RX to be able to read MIDI timecode (MTC), you need to configure a MIDI port.

    1. Click one Media Pool category Devices.

    2. Right-click some free space in the right section of the Media Pool and select Add port MIDI.

    3. In the dialog box under MIDI port select the corresponding port.

    4. If necessary, you can specify period of time next to MTC Offset which is to be added to the incoming timecode. It is also possible to specify negative times as offset. The resulting timecode value, however, must never fall below zero, as Wings Vioso RX automatically sets negative values to zero.

    5. For MTC Timeout enter a period of time for Wings Vioso RX to continue playback when timecode is no longer available. MTC is only transmitted every two frames. Therefore, it does not make sense to enter values below 100 ms. The default setting is 1,000 ms.

    6. At After MTC Timeout you can define the activity to be performed after timeout:

    7. Reset timecode ...causes the system to be without valid time; playback stops and the Locator jumps to the last starting position.

    8. Keep last timecode value ...the system retains the timecode value received last plus timeout and stops likewise.

    9. Continue timecode ...if timecode is no longer available playback is continued via the PC clock.

    1. If, upon arrival of the timecode, a certain timeline is to be played automatically place a check mark next to Timeline autoplay and enter the remote index of the corresponding timeline next to Remote Index. This remote index must be set in the Timeline Properties. See also Timeline Properties. Option Autoplay preroll allows you to define the period (entry in milliseconds) by which the Locator is to jump forward upon start to a location before the read time in order to synchronize with it. This has an influence on the possible preloading time for media.

    2. Next to At timecode stop you define the action to be performed when timecode stops: Pause timeline or Stop timeline.

    3. Finally, click on OK.

    4. To check incoming timecode, you should now create a control panel field. Click tab Control Panel. It is located at the same place as the Audio Level.

    5. Now drag the MIDI port from the Media Pool to the Control Panel and a control panel field for incoming timecode will be created.

    6. Now connect your timecode source to the corresponding port and supply timecode. Activate the device control system by clicking on or pressing F8. When the time display on the control panel field is running, timecode is being read.

    Playback with timecode synchronization

    As mentioned before, Wings Vioso RX reads timecode and works in synchrony in slave mode. When a timecode is applied, Wings Vioso RX jumps to the corresponding location. However, there a some peculiarities to be considered that are explained further below.

      1. First of all, you need to select the type of synchronization for the timeline that accommodates the show to be played. In the Media Pool click on category Timelines.

      2. Right-click the corresponding timeline and select Properties.

      3. For Synchronization select Device port and for Sync port select the device port the timecode signal is applied to. Finally, click on OK.

      4. Enable the device control system by clicking on or pressing F8. When you start playback in Wings Vioso RX, it will start as soon as timecode is read.

      For playback of presentation videos you should consider the following:


      See also

      SMPTE timecode synchronization

      Reading Net Timecode