
Click   Options in the function bar below the main menu and select Project Options - Output on the left. In this dialog you make the settings for the output of sound.


Sampling rate   ...defines the sampling rate and output of high rates. The default setting is 44100 Hz. Other settings can be made as required. You can use files with differing sampling rates within one project since they are converted online to the sampling rate chosen herein during playback.

Resolution   ...influences the number of possible volume steps. The default setting is 16 bits (65,535 steps). When the K-System is activated a setting of 24 bits (16,777,215 steps) would be appropriate since the system provides a large headroom. See also The K-System - Checking volume and dynamic range.

Playback mode   ...has an influence on loading times and buffer sizes for audio files while playing back. A setting of very fast allows only a low amount of data to be buffered, while any alterations, e.g. via volume control or other changes, are immediately audible. However, this setting requires a very high-quality sound card with a fast driver, otherwise there may be sound errors. A setting of very slow causes a high amount of data to be buffered. This is a very reliable setting for playing back which causes hardly an errors. The disadvantage is that any alterations during playback only become audible with a distinct delay. Just experiment with the settings to find the most suitable setting for your sound card to work without sound errors. Low computer capacity is another reason why sound errors may be caused. This, too, can be avoided by selecting a slower playback mode.

Delay   ...defines the delay in milliseconds for the output of audio signals compared to any other playback. The delay can be set in steps of about 50 ms, i.e. any more specific entries, such as 36 ms for example, would not make any sense. For playback of slide shows with DLC signals a delay of 100 ms is a suitable setting. Please bear in mind that this delay is only effective for playback from the timeline but not yet for playback from CF Card or CD.


Audio effects  ...defines whether VST-PlugIns (default) or the DirectX-PlugIns of Wing Platinum 3 are to be used.

System folder for VST PlugIns  ... here you enter the folder to accommodate your VST PlugIns, e.g.  ...Programs\Steinberg/VstPlugins. or ...Programs\VSTPlugIns. Please note that this is a global option.

Master level

Here you define the effect of master fader and the ducking function. Ducking is performed via automatic adjustment of the master fader.

Alternatively you can also control the Ducking Function via triggers which allow numerous options for remote control. See Trigger actions and Executing triggers.


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