Adding a sequence of pictures to a video track

Sequences of pictures, e.g. the individual pictures of a 3D animation or of an HD/4K film can be added on a video track and edited just like a video. Also recordings in fast motion produced with a digital camera can be incorporated in a show this way.

  1. All pictures of a sequence must be the same size and contained in one folder. The individual picture files must have a uniform name followed by a consecutive number, e.g. Animation0001.tga, Animation0002.tga Animation0375.tga. This sequence with 375 individual pictures, for example, would be 12.5 seconds long at 30 frames per second.

  2. In the Media Pool click on category Video. Right-click the empty field on the right and select Add picture sequence... Navigate to the folder containing the pictures of the sequence. Double-click one picture of the picture sequence, e.g. Animation0001.tga, following which a Properties Dialog will pop up.

If you want to add several image sequences in one go you just highlight the corresponding folder accommodating the images sequence and, while holding down the Ctrl key, drag it into Media Pool category Video or a subfolder thereof. In this case, the dialog for specifying the properties will only appear once. For that reason the properties with regard to frame rate and possible intermediate video data are identical for all image sequences. If necessary you can cancel the whole process by clicking Cancel.

  1. The dialog will show you the first and the last picture of the sequence which you may still change. The frame rate is preset to 60 f/s but you can still change this, e.g. to 30 f/s in order to extend the length. The frame rate is preset to 60 f/s but you can still change this, e.g. to 30 f/s in order to extend the length. If the dialog does not pop up...

  2. Click OK following which the Properties Dialog will appear unless the sequence of images has already been used and Intermediate Data are already available. In the Properties Dialog place a checkmark next to Create/use intermediate video data. With very high-resolution picture sequences, e.g. from DSLRs you should adjust the picture size for the intermediate video data to allow the picture sequence to be played in real time. Instead of Original size enter the presentation output size, e.g. a width of 1400 pixels for a data projector with a resolution of 1400 x 1050 pixels and click OK.

  1. You can now drag the picture sequence from the Media Pool and drop it into the video track. The frame rate is set to 60 frames per second by default. This value can be changed in the Picture Sequence Properties in the Media Pool, see Picture Sequence Properties, or in the Video Object Properties in the Timeline, see Video Object Properties.

After Wings Vioso RX has finished rendering the display data, the sequence of pictures appears as a video object. Now you can dissolve or edit the sequence of pictures just like a video. See also Editing objects and Editing videos.