Playback of coded AC3 data streams

In addition to classic multi-channel playback with multi-channel soundcards or interfaces, coded AC3 data streams can be played via the SPDIF output. This data stream is fed directly to the surround receiver, which in turn does the decoding and playback.

Note: Click here if you are looking for a solution for extracting AC3 video sound.

The following restrictions and limitations apply!

  1. Wave files (*.wav) are only supported when they contain AC3 coded files and when they are compliant with IEC 61937 standard. The AC3 format with the file suffix *.ac3, which are frequently used by other systems, is not supported by Wings Vioso RX and needs to be converted. This can be done by means of the AC3 tool spdifer. This shareware can be found on the Internet at

  2. The volume must not be changed at any location. This destroys the AC3 file.

  3. An object with AC3 sound must not be mixed with other sound objects. I.e. there must only be one sound object at a time.

  4. Sound editing as for standard sound files is not permitted.

  5. For AC3 output the corresponding sound card output must be selected and option SPDIF/AC3 be enabled. See Global Options - Sound cards.

  6. For the project, the output must be set to 16 bits and a sampling rate of 48 kHz. See Project Options - Audio.

Playback of AC3 data streams will only be possible when all the above conditions are fulfilled.