Transferring projects to terminals and executing them

Once a project is complete and is to be executed on a device it needs to be transferred to the required device, i.e. PC, Avio Master, IObox or FHD Player Pro. Avio Service is usually responsible for execution of the project on the terminal but there are various options for displaying and starting the project. For PCs the interface is also saved as HTML interface in parallel while for IOboxes or FHD Player Pro only the HTML interface is used.

    1. In the main menu click Device Management followed by clicking Manage Device Connections.

    2. In the list displayed place a checkmark for the device to be transferred in column Connected. You can also select a multitude of devices if the same user interface is to be transferred to all of them.

    3. Now click Transfer Project following which a dialog showing the previously selected terminals is opened. Click Transfer to transfer the user interface. If you have chosen Autostart with Service in the Options, the user interface is started automatically after the transfer.

    Note: Transfer has been successful if both bars are green, i.e. both Export and Transfer. For IOBox and FHD Player transfer to the device may take several minutes depending on the project size.

    1. After the transfer close the dialog by clicking OK.

    Starting and terminating the project

    You can start and terminate the project via Avio Service:

    Note: If menu Close Project is to be hidden enable Option Disable “Close Project” Menu in the Settings of the interface. See also Defining display and start options.

    Defining display and start options

    You can use Avio Service to define individual options for every device and user interface.

    1. Right-click the Avio Service icon in the bottom right corner of the task bar and select Wings Touch Projects Project name Edit Settings.

    2. The following options are available in the Settings dialog:

    3. Autostart with Wings Avio Service  ...during a system start the user interface is started at the same time as the Avio Service.

    4. Hide GUI (only allow web view)  ...the interface is not displayed on the the web server and runs in the background.

    5. Web Update Interval set to 500 ms by default and defines the time interval between the web server updates.  Depending on network performance and interface requirements the interval can be changed.

    6. Send web page jumps to Avio  ...allows synchronization of user interfaces on the web and on local computers.

    7. Overwrite Webserver Port   ...should be enabled so that the interface is always accessed via the same port. In that case you enter the required port at Webserver port.

    8. Disable "Close Project" Menu  ...disables the context menu Close Project which is normally displayed after right-clicking the interface and button Cancel Project Startup when starting up the interface.

    9. Show Project Top Most  ...ensures that the user interface is always on top.

    10. Show Project in Taskbar  ... the project is available as executed program in the task bar and can be minimized, closed, etc. via the icon.

    11. Show Window Frame  ...the project is not displayed without frame but in the usual window.

    12. Hide Mouse Cursor  ...hides the mouse cursor.

    Under Stretch Mode various display modes are available. These settings do not apply to the display in Avio Service or the web browser.

    1. Click Save to save the entries and close the dialog.