Program Options

In the top left corner of the program window right-click  and select Options. This dialog allows the following global settings:

At Default Settings for Exported/Transferred Projects you enter the details of the interfaces to be transferred to Avio Service or to be exported as data:

  1. Autostart with Wings Avio Service  ...during a system start the user interface is started at the same time as the Avio Service.

  2. Hide GUI (only allow web view)   ...the interface is not displayed on the web server and is run in the background.

  3. Web Update Interval set to 500 ms by default and defines the time interval between the web server updates.  Depending on network performance and interface requirements the interval can be changed.

  4. Send web page jumps to Avio  ...allows syncing of web pages and on local computers.

  5. Overwrite Webserver Port  ...should be enabled so that the interface is always accessed via the same port. In that case you enter the required port at Webserver port.

  6. Disable "Close Project" Menu   ...disables the context menu Close Project which is normally displayed after right-clicking the interface.

  7. Show Project Top Most   ...ensures that the user interface is always on top.

  8. Show Project in Taskbar   ... the project is available as executed program in the task bar and can be minimized, closed, etc. via the icon.

  9. Show Window Frame   ...the project is not displayed without frame but in the usual window.

  10. Hide Mouse Cursor   ...hides the mouse cursor.

Under Stretch Mode various display modes are available. These settings do not apply to the display in Avio Service or the web browser.

Click Save Changes to save the entries and close the dialog.

See also

Project Options