Recording Avio Channels using Wings Vioso RX

This function requires the Pro License or higher. See Licenses and functions.

You can use Wings Vioso RX to record values in Avio channels in data objects. This allows you to record DMX data received from a Wings IObox DMX in the timeline. See also Using Wings IOboxes for control purposes.

This is how you proceed:

  1. In Wings Vioso RX create a Value In variable for every Avio channel you want to record. In the Media Pool highlight category Variables, right-click the right Media Pool section and select Add variable Value In.  If you want to record DMX with a high number of variables....

  2. Now drag and drop a Value In variable into a universal track following which a data object is created which is linked up with this variable. If no universal track is available yet you can also drag and drop the variable into the empty timeline space below the last track and a universal track with the data object for the variable is created. Likewise create a data object with a variable for every Avio channel whose values you want to record. Note: One of the next version will offer a simpler solutions for creation of many data objects.

  3. Open Avio Manager 2D and connect the variables to be found under ValuesIn in Wings 6 with the output channels whose values you want to record. You can use Multiconnect by highlighting the channel to be sent and dragging and dropping it onto the first ValueIn variable. See also Connecting and editing channels.

  4. In Wings Vioso highlight all data objects you want to use for recording Avio channels. Right-click one of the highlighted data objects and select Mode Record.

  5. In the main menu Timeline click DMX Recording ... or in the toolbar on button Record Mode. When playback is started, the values of the linked Avio channel are recorded in the data objects.

If the ramps show too many nodes for editing you can simplify them. See Simplifying ramps.