Avio Manager 2D - An Overview

The new Avio Manager 2D performs the same tasks as the old Avio Manager but it offers better graphic display with the nodes with inputs and outputs and the connections between the individual channels being visible as lines.

The type of connection can be selected for every connection (direct, scaled, smart). Upon selecting Smart, the formula can be entered after double-clicking column Formula.

 ...resumes the standard zoom value.

  ...adjusts the display size in a way which allows all nodes to be visible.

  ...adjusts the display in a way which allows all highlighted nodes to be visible.

  ...enables shift mode and allows you to move the visible portion with the mouse. Alternatively you can enable this mode by clicking the central mouse key/mouse wheel.

 ...moves the visible portion so that all nodes are centered.

 ..moves the visible portion so that all highlighted nodes are centered.