Displaying twitter contents

The Twitter Plugin offers the chance to receive the latest tweets and use them in the Avio System.

This topic provides information on the following:


Searching for and selecting contents



Before you can use the Twitter Plugin for the first time you need to activate it and set up a Twitter App on Twitter. This requires a Twitter Account.

    1. Login to Twitter using your access data. If you have no Twitter account yet, you need to create one first.

    2. Click the Avio Service icon and select Functional Groups. In the dialog popping up enable this functional group by clicking Twitter following which it is then listed in yellow at the top. Finish by clicking Apply Changes.

    3. Click on the Avio Service icon again and select Configure Twitter... (enabled) following which the configuration dialog appears.

    4. In order to create your own Twitter application click on get app information or create new apps and a Twitter page will appear in the web browser. Here click on Create New App.

    5. Enter name and description of your App. For Website and Callback URL enter http://www.avstumpfl.com. Other web addresses are possible too but they require additional steps. Accept Developer Agreement and click Create your Twitter application.

    Note: It may be necessary to enter a Developer Account including the Twitter user’s telephone number.

    1. In your App’s web dialog click Key and Access Tokens following which Consumer Key and Consumer Secret are displayed. Copy both into the corresponding Avio Service Twitter Dialog and click Login.

    2. You still need to authorize your App. Enter your user name and password and click Authorize App. After your App has been authorized you can use the Plugin in the Avio System.

    Searching for and selecting contents

    If you have done all the configuration steps you can open dialog Configure Twitter and login directly.

      1. Click on the Avio Services icon and select Configure Twitter... (enabled) following which the configuration dialog appears.

      2. Enter Consumer Key and Consumer Secret and click Login. Enter your user name and password and click Authorize App. After your App has been authorized you can use the Plugin in the Avio System.

      3. In the field at the top enter a search term and a dropdown list with the results will appear. Select the corresponding Twitter page which will then appear in the window on the left. Add the desired Twitter pages likewise.

      4. When you click a previously added Twitter page on the left its feeds will be listed on the right. Below you can make the settings for display the feeds in the Avio System. Below the field Blacklist you can activate parts of the feed for display which are then highlighted in white. Elements highlighted in black will remain invisible in Avio.

      Next to the elements that can be activated by checking them the following options are available:

      1. Blacklist  ...allows exclusion of feeds that contain particular terms. The exclusion terms are entered in the field and the Feeds in question will turn red if the cursor is no longer located in the entry field. If you start your selection via Filter Blacklist the corresponding feeds are hidden. Note: The blacklists apply both to Facebook and Twitter. See also Displaying Facebook content.

      2. Max. Feed Entries  ......defines the number of feed entries. Only the latest entries are displayed.

      3. Advanced Settings  ...offers the update frequency to be selected and entry of a global blacklist.

      1. Once you have completed all your settings click Save at the right-hand bottom side following which all settings and changes are saved and the dialog is closed.

      2. After opening Avio Manager, Avio Service on your computer shows the port Twitter and its corresponding channels.


      See also

      Reading and displaying RSS feeds

      Displaying Facebook content