Reading and displaying RSS feeds

The Feed Plug-In allows you to read the latest information and news from the internet via RSS and Atom feed.

Before you can use the Feed Plugin for the first time you need to activate it.

    1. Click the Avio Service icon and select Functional Groups. In the dialog popping up enable this functional group by clicking RSS Feed Reader following which it is then listed in yellow at the top. Finish by clicking Apply Changes.

    2. Click on the Avio Service icon again and select Configure FeedReaderPlugin... (enabled) following which the configuration dialog appears.

    Configuration and display of feeds

      1. In order to display a feed in Avio copy the feed web address into the text field next to the gray button Edit link.

      2. Optionally, you can change the port address in field Port Address. The port must not be in use in the current Avio Service. Moreover, we also recommend using an address in the range from 1101012000. After clicking Add Feed, the entry is listed at the top of list Feeds. Create additional feeds likewise.

      3. When you click Configure Nodes general feed settings are displayed which are valid for all feeds on the list. Here, you can change all node settings for all feeds in one go. The following options are available:

      4. Entries per Feed   ... specifies the maximum number of entries per feed that are to be displayed. Item Update every specifies the time interval in minutes after which the feed information is to be downloaded again from the web.

      5. Headlines Summary  ... defines whether a summary of all the headlines to be displayed is to be produced. The value below Separator defines which separators are to be used to separate the individual headlines. Note: The summary length is limited. That’s why fewer headlines may be included in the summary than specified under Entries per Feed.

      6. The remaining Display... checkboxes allow selection of additional nodes for display in Avio Manager. The last two checkboxes Display All and Display None serve for selecting and deselecting all entries.

      1. After you have made all the settings, click on Save. Following this the settings are saved and the changes applied. Every time the settings are saved the previously created feeds are updated and the latest information is downloaded from the web.

      2. When you start Avio Manager, port Feeds appears under Avio Service and after opening it, further ports, e.g. Feed 1, Feed 2 etc. are displayed depending on the number of ports you previously created. Behind Feed ... you will find the individual name of the feed provided the computer running Avio Service has access to the Internet. Within a feed all the available channels, such as Title, URL, Headline Summary, Headline 1... and Content 1... etc. are displayed. In Avio Manager, as rule, no values are displayed next to channels as this would be too much information. In order to display channel information you need to link up the channels with Wings Touch text fields. See also Wings Touch, Displaying variable information on the screen and Wings Avio Manager - An Overview.

      Note: Since the Current Feed port may contain a great number of entries it may take a while, depending on size and amount of feeds, before it opens in Avio Manager.