Adjusting the screen size

The screen size is a relevant parameter for multidisplay shows or if you want pixel-accurate display of images/videos. Changes in the screen size may be necessary if you want output on higher-resolution monitors or projectors than specified in the Media Pool. In other cases changes in the display layout may require more screen surface to arrange the displays.

The screen size can be changed in two ways:

Changing the screen size and proportional adjustment of screen fields and multidisplay areas

Using the method below all screen and ticker fields as well as the displays are also changed proportionally for Multidisplay shows.

  1. In the Media Pool click on category Screens for the available screens to appear on the right.

  2. Right-click the corresponding screen and select Properties.

  3. Select an Aspect ratio or enter individual values next to User defined.

  4. Under Presentation enter the corresponding size in pixels next to Output size.

  5. Click on OK to close the dialog.

Changing the screen size without adjusting screen fields and multidisplay areas

This method may be useful if you want to change the display layout as it allows you to leave size and position of screen and ticker fields as well as displays unchanged. Only the screen area will change.

  1. In the Media Pool on the left click on category Screens and the screens will be listed on the right.

  2. Right-click the corresponding screen and select Change size.

  3. In fields Left, Top, Right and Bottom enter the number of pixels by which the screen is to be changed at the corresponding sides. Plus values increase the screen area, minus values decrease it.

  4. Below you can enter the position and size of elements, such as screen fields, ticker fields and multidisplay areas. Place a checkmark at the corresponding option. Moreover, this option can also be restricted to active fields or areas.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog.