Performance test for complete timelines

A complete timeline can be tested for performance. At intervals of one second the frame rate is written to a table and provides information about where in your show problems may arise.

  1. Make sure that display data are already available for the presentation resolution, otherwise they will be created during the performance test which might influence the result. See Creating display data for media files.

  2. In the main menu, click Output - Performance Test... and the corresponding dialog will appear.

  3. You can leave nearly all the settings as they are. Only select the timeline portion to be tested. The following options are available:

  4. Complete timeline from 00:00 seconds ... just like the timeline the test starts at zero seconds, so that a possible leader up to the first object is also included, and finishes after the last object.

  5. Complete timeline starting with first object ...the test starts before the first and finishes after the last object (recommended for standard videos).

  6. Only selected portion of timeline  ...only the selected portion of the timeline is tested. If no portion is highlighted this option cannot be selected. See Marking a portion.

  1. Click and enter storage location and name for the performance log file. Following this, click Next.

  2. Under Render settings specify the resolution of the display or video projector used for the presentation. Click to assign the Standard screen output size.

  3. Click Next and, if applicable, choose one of the options available followed by clicking Finish.

Depending on the length of the show the test may take some time. The current maximum frame rate and a progress bar will be displayed. The performance log file in CSV format can be opened in a text editor or as a table using Excel.


See also

Performance test for videos