Performance test for videos

HD videos make high demands to the computer. This is why Wings Vioso RX offers a performance tests to find out about problem videos.

This is how you find out about the playback performance of a video:

    1. In the Media-Pool, right-click the corresponding video file and select Performance Test. Following this, the corresponding dialog box will open up.

    2. Click Start and the computer will start decoding the video internally at its maximum speed. Below Performance the current frame rate will immediately be shown at Current. After completing the performance test the frame rates displayed below Performance can be interpreted as follows:

    3. Maximum  ...indicates the highest frame rate. This value is of minor importance for performance.

    4. Average  ...indicates the mean or average frame rate. It should possibly be 20 to 30 % above the video frame rate. (...See Framerate at the top of the dialog under Properties).

    5. Minimum  ...indicates the lowest frame rate achieved during the test. This value should be higher than the video frame rate or at least only very little below it.

    1. If the frame rates are too low the video may be jerky during playback. In such a case you can transcode the video into intermediate video files that Wings Vioso RX can play while bypassing Windows routines. This ensures optimum playback provided the computer is basically capable of running HD videos.

    2. Close the dialog and click Cancel.

    See also

    Performance test for complete timelines