Remotely controlling presentations

Wings Vioso RX can be remotely controlled during a presentation. You can use our simple, cable-operated Speaker Support remote control unit or the software tool AV Prompter for iPod touch/iPhone, as well as special controllers, such as the Tascam US-224 or Mackie Control.  Basically, Wings Vioso RX can also be controlled by any other devices able to output serial commands via RS 232 or TCP/IP. See also Remote-controlling Wings Vioso RX.

Remote control via Speaker Support remote control unit

The Speaker Support remote control unit is a simple remote control unit for show presentation, which is connected to the serial port of a computer running Wings Vioso RX. In addition to this you need to create a remote control port in the device control system. The Speaker Support remote control unit allows you control of the following functions:

Configuring a remote control port...

To use the remote control unit, the device control system needs to be enabled, which can be recognized by the button  being pressed.

See also

Presenting videos

Remote control via serial commands via RS 232 or TCP/IP