Devices do not react...

When playing back or editing, devices do not react. If the problem is to do with slide projectors, continue here. For any other devices check your system in accordance with the following checklist:

Check 1

Make sure that the device control system has been enabled. To do so, press key F8 to highlight button Enable device ports in gray. In the Media Pool under Devices the status of the device ports in column PC Port/address must be activate. When Stumpfl control units are used, PC LED must be on when communication has been established correctly.

....See also Synchronizing devices.

Check 2

Unless any of the conditions under Check 1 apply, find out

Check 3

If the units still cannot be controlled, check the cable connections and address settings for control units and modules. The address set at the hardware must correspond with the address in column PC Port/address in category Devices in the Media Pool. Within the SC Net, devices with master function must always have address 1!

....See Configuring the SC Net System.

After performing all checks and necessary alterations, your projectors should be controllable by Wings Vioso RX. If this is not the case, refer to the Stumpfl Support . They will certainly try to help you.