Support Function

If you have any problems using Wings Vioso RX or if any errors crop up, please send an email to the Support Function. This is how it is done:

  1. In the main menu help click ? and menu E-Mail to Stumpfl Support.

  2. In the E-Mail popping up describe the error and send off your mail.

This way our support team will receive your project file, a log file containing the last editing steps and the initialization file with the current settings in addition to your error description. This information forms a sound basis and ensures that we can provide the best possible help.


How is my Support Mail answered?

It may also be advisable to look at the Website of the Stumpfl User Team, which hosts a forum with a great number of professional users. For users of multidisplay applications, the English website is a good source of information.


Telephone Support via our Hotline also possible, provided the following preconditions have been met:

  1. You have a Wings Vioso RX license with dongle.  

  2. You have sent an e-mail to Stumpfl via the Support Function beforehand.

  3. You cannot solve the problems by carrying out the suggestions received by AV Stumpfl via e-mail.

Our telephone support is available from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. CET (UTC + 1:00). For inquiries on the phone, always have your 4- or 5-digit serial number available which can be found on your copy protection dongle or in the Wings Vioso RX Info Dialog.