Wings Remote

In the tool bar below the main menu click on   Options and select Global Options - Wings Remote on the left. Here you can configure some functions of Wings Remote.


In order to be able to use Wings Remote you need to put a check mark next to Enable Wings Remote. Port 80 is used by default; no entry is necessary here. If, however, port 80 is already in used on your Wings computer, e.g. by a web server, you need to enter a different port. In such a case put a check mark next to Port and enter a free port, e.g. 9000. Note: In this case enter the IP-address and Port for calling Wings Remote e.g. This is done automatically by scanning the QR code. See below.

Finding free ports...

If you want to make sure that no other client links up with Wings Remote you have got two options to prevent this:

Settings for newly create Wing Remote tracks

In order to be able to place the notes objects in front of the picture objects when creating Wings Remote tracks you can enter a time offset in seconds at Time offset for newly created notes object. If you enter -1 for example, the corresponding notes object is located one second before the corresponding picture.

When Use comments as note texts is enabled the text specified in the picture object properties in field Comment is incorporated in the notes object.

Settings for manually created new notes objects.

After putting a check mark next to Enable display on Wings Remote the options for output on Wings Remote is enabled automatically in the properties of newly created notes objects.

URL / QR Code for connection

Once you have made all the settings you can click Accept changes following which a QR code containing the URL for calling Wings Remote with the URL below it is created.

The QR code can be scanned using your smart phone or tablet and the read URL then entered into the browser. Following this Wings Remote is opened in the Browser.


See also

Remote control unsing Wings Remote and smart phones

Other options