Program start

Note: Functions for automatic operation are not available with an additional dongle.

Click on    Options in the function bar below the main menu and select Global Options - Program start on the left. Use this dialog box to specify the behavior of Wings Vioso RX after startup of the program.

Startup delay ...delays startup by the specified period. If after starting up the computer Wings Vioso RX is to be started via the Windows Autostart folder, you can delay this by the specified period. This may be necessary for particular configurations (network, etc.). Choose one of the following options:

Below this you can choose whether a project is to be opened automatically or not. If yes, you can specify the project:

Note: Loading of a project during program start can be prevented by keeping the Shift key pressed.

In addition to this, you can specify a few extra actions, which is particularly important for automatic presentation mode. Please note that the first four options are only available when Open following project was previously selected:

Disable ...disables the Trigger Scheduler.

Enable always enables evaluation of conditions and executes the triggers that fulfil these conditions. See also Trigger functions.

Restore last exit state restores the setting that was active when the program was exited last.


...Other options