Moving unused files

After completing an AV show, the Media Pool usually contains a huge number of files which are not needed for the show in their entirety. This function allows you to shift unused files into different folders and separate them from the files that are absolutely necessary for your project.  Later on, you can save and/or delete these files as you wish.

Please bear in mind that by using this function, media files are moved from their original folders into different folders, and that the original order can only be resumed via the file  Before deleting the files, make sure that you positively don't need them anymore. Wings Vioso RX is not able to check whether a file may be required for yet another project.


    1. Click on Media Pool in the main menu and select Move unused files. Following this, Wings Vioso RX will check the Media Pool and a warning message be displayed, saying that the action cannot be undone. Click Yes, if you want to proceed anyway.

    2. Click on Select folder and specify the corresponding folder or create a new one.  It is important to have sufficient memory space on the drive. The dialog will provide information about the memory space on the target drive and on the memory space required for this action.

    If you create a folder on the drive where your project including all media files is located, there will certainly be enough memory space available because the unused files are already located on it and physical copying won't be necessary. In this special case you can ignore a warning message specifying a lack of memory space.

    1. Keep directory structure should normally be provided with a checkmark. If your files are saved to a directory structure which you do not want to maintain you can remove the checkmark for Wings Vioso RX to create its own directory.

    2. For Maximum size of subfolder you define portioning of the files in the subfolders. This is an important and practical feature if you want to save the files on a data carrier of a certain size at a later time, e.g. CD or DVD.

    3. Click on Start. The status dialog will appear and inform you about the progress. Now all unused media files are removed from the Media Pool and shifted, and the corresponding display data that were required for display in the program deleted. Confirm the message about completion of the shifting process with OK.

    See also

    Removing unused files

    Backup of project files

    Converting images into JPG format