All pictures within a project or individual pictures can be converted to compressed JPG format, thus reducing the required memory space. Only those pictures without alpha channel are converted that are available in image formats different from JPG.
In the main menu click Media Pool – Convert pictures to JPG format and the corresponding option:
All pictures ...considers all pictures contained in the Media Pool.
Only used pictures ...considers all pictures that have already been used in the timeline.
you want to convert individual files, right-click a picture file in the
Media Pool and select Convert file to
JPG format.
If this item does not appear in the context
For JPG compression choose the degree of image compression. A low value stands for high quality and low compression, while a high value stands for inferior quality and causes a corresponding compression resulting in a correspondingly smaller file size. For a good quality we recommend values between 1 and 5.
Pictures are saved under the same name but with a different file extension. A picture named Example.tif is saved as Example.jpg after conversion. If, however, a file named Example.jpg already exists in the same folder you can choose one of the following options:
Skip conversion of original file... the original file is not converted but is continued to be used.
Accept this JPG file... the original file is not converted and the existing JPG file is linked up with the picture objects.
Replace this JPG file... the original file is converted and replaces the existing JPG file. The links with the picture objects are adjusted. However, this is only done when the existing JPG file is not located in the Media Pool.
Click OK to start conversion.
Please bear in mind that JPG compression always causes a loss of image quality. Therefore, you should test the various compression steps and the resulting loss before you actually start converting large numbers of images.
During conversion the original files remain unchanged and continue to be available on your hard disk.
Images with a color depth of 48 bits (tif format) are reduced to a color depth of 24 bits during conversion to JPG format.
Pictures provided with a transparency or an alpha channel (to be recognized by the 32 bit resolution) cannot be converted. JPG format does not support transparency.
See also