Importing from other projects

It is possible to import various Media Pool contents from existing projects into other projects.

  1. Open an existing project you want to add content to.

  2. In the main menu click File - Insert... for a dialog box to appear.

  3. Select the project that contains the component you want to import and click Open.

  4. Place a checkmark next to the Media Pool components you want to import. Note: Import of a complete timeline requires you to select every category that is required for the timeline.

  5. If you want to import timelines and screen fields you need to check the corresponding box. There are various options for importing screen fields determining whether screen fields are to be merged or not:

  6. Don't merge screen fields  ...screen fields are not merged, all imported screen fields are displayed separately.

  7. Merge only screen fields of the same name  ...screen fields with the same properties and names are merged.

  8. Merge all screen fields as possible  ...all screen fields with the same properties are merged.

  1. Click OK to start the import.

See also

Adding media files

Importing control track effects from a template