Live video import via objects

These functions require the Pro License or up. See Licences and functions.

This type of live video import allows full integration of a live video image into a show. Similar to picture or video objects, live video objects can also be integrated in your show and edited likewise. For animations you can use the full range of effects. Live players for instant playback during the presentation can also be used for live video input. See also Live player for video.

For Multidisplay presentations with several PCs all client computers used for displaying live video on their displays must also be equipped with video input cards to which the same video signal is applied.

Enable Live video

First of all, configure the live video inputs and enable live video playback for your project.

      1. Click on Options in the function bar below the main menu. Then click the plus sign on the left next to Global Options - Video inputs.

      2. Place a checkmark next to Activate and select the type of activation. For input cards with more than one input or several input cards you need to specify the index for the required input. Wings Vioso RX provides all available inputs with an index. If your PC is equipped with two input cards with four inputs each, the inputs for the second card are indexed 5 to 8.

      3. Configure all the existing inputs of your video input cards likewise and close the dialog by clicking on OK.

      If your computer has enough capacity and is equipped with suitable input cards you can use up to a total of 16 video inputs.

      Importing live video into the timeline

      Now add tracks and objects for live video playback as follows:

              1. In the Media Pool highlight category Video. Right-click the right section of the Media Pool and select Add video input.

              2. If you use several live inputs you need to enter the required video input. Double-click the camera icon of the video input you have just added. You will find the following options in the Properties dialog:

              3. Video input  ...enter the input remote index corresponding to that defined in the global options.

              4. User defined aspect ratio  ...check this box and enter the desired aspect ratio.

              5. Cropping  ...add a checkmark and enter the pixel value by which the image is to be cropped.

              Close the dialog by clicking OK.

              1. Drag the video input and drop it into a video track. Following this a live video object is created. This object can be edited just like a video object, i.e. it can be changed in length, faded in /out by changing the transparency via the ramp band. See also Editing objects. In addition to this, all key-frame controlled effects, such as motion or rotation are also available. See Visual effects.

              2. You can now play the live video object, which means that the active program or the video input, respectively, will appear on the Preview Screen or on the render displays. When you stop playback, the last live picture freezes on the screen while it continues running in Pause Mode.