Editing a live video picture

Several live video input cards allow editing the video image in brightness, contrast, color and partly other parameters. Optimization via graphics card should be given preference to editing using the effects in Wings Vioso RX. See also Editing and optimizing the video image.

This is how you proceed:

    1. Open a project which contains a live video object in a track. See also Live video/TV as an object.

    2. Import a signal and open the screen.

    3. Right-click the screen and select  Video input settings for a dialog to appear. This dialog, which may have several tabs and controls, allows you to make the picture settings provided your input card supports this.

    4. For the video image to be displayed, start playback in Wings Vioso RX at a location where there is a live video object and change to Pause Mode immediately after pressing the space bar. The video image is now running and you can make and evaluate the settings without ruffle.

    5. Finally, close the dialog by clicking on OK and disable Pause Mode by clicking on Esc.

    For live video input contrast can be increased by adjustment of tonal values. See Options - Global Options - Video input.