Adding a DMX port

This function requires the Advanced License and up (up to a maximum of 32 channels) or a Pro License (with an Additional License up to 32 channels are available). See Licenses and functions.

This device port allows usage of our AV Stumpfl USB-DMX-IO and SCZ-USB-DMX-IO-2 s interfaces (Windows 7/64 bit compatible) as well as the Soundlight USB interfaces USBDMX1, USBDMX2 and USBDMX-IN. The interface drivers must be installed before you add the DMX ports to make the interfaces ready for operation.

    1. Click on category Devices in the Media Pool.

    2. Right-click some free space in the right Media Pool section and select Add port DMX.

    3. In the dialog box click next to Type and select the interface you are using.

    4. Enable the corresponding interfaces by placing a checkmark next to them and enter the corresponding ID numbers. With only one DMX interface, use ID 1 for input and output of a Stumpfl USB-DMX-IO and ID 1 and ID 2 for Soundlight USB interfaces. When several USB-DMX interfaces are used, the ID number depends on the order in which the drivers for the interfaces were installed.

    5. To use the configured DMX input for controlling Wings Vioso RX, place a checkmark next to Execute trigger with DMX channel and specify the DMX channel to be used. See also Remotely controlling Wings via DMX signal.

    6. Close the dialog by clicking OK. Finish by adding the corresponding number of DMX channels by right-clicking the device port and selecting Add devices...

    See also

    Programming analog/DMX devices

    Recording DMX data

    Remotely controlling Wings Vioso RX via a DMX signal