In the Media Pool under category Devices, right-click an SC Net device port and select Properties. Right-click an SC Net device port and select Properties. If no SC Net port is available, right-click some free space and select Add port
Stumpfl SC Net.
Under Serial Port select the port to which the SC Master or any other SC Net component is connected. When the device is ready, it appears as Active SC Net device.
The default output range is from address 1 to 10. This default value specified under Max. device address should only be changed if you require more than 10 addresses. Too large an output range requires unnecessarily long for scanning the active addresses.
If you want to send information via the SC Net Port to Wings Vioso RX,too, you need to Enable SC Net feedback and Enable remote starts additionally. This way you can start show playback or execute triggers for instance via a keyboard connected to an SC Master or an SC Remote 16in. Remote starts can be temporarily disabled by removing the checkmark next to Enable remote starts.
Please note that the SC Master or EventControl unit cannot start shows from CF card if Enable remote starts is activated and the remote communication is to be via the enabled SC Net port. If you want to execute CF card shows, you need to use a remote port and control Wings Vioso RX via serial commands from the SC Master (there is a driver available; ask for it, if necessary). See also Remote-control via EventPlayer protocol.
Every device port requires a separate interface. A device which supports DLC and SC Net protocol, for example, can only use either DLC or SC Net protocol.
For SMPTE port, select the corresponding port and mode:
RS 232 ...transfers timecode from the SC Master to the computer via a normal serial connection The advantage is that DMX can continued to be output at the REMOTE connector.
MIDI ...activates conversion of the incoming SMPTE timecode into MIDI timecode by the SC Master. MTC will then be available at the REMOTE connector via a special cable and is then supplied to a MIDI port at the computer. For this purpose, a MIDI port must be configured in Wings Vioso RX. This solution offers high stability and is the optimal solution for critical applications, such as video playback. In this case, however, DMX cannot be output at the REMOTE socket and may have to be supplied via SC Net modules.
RS232 + MIDI a combination of the two above. It allows you, for example, to supply Wings Vioso RX with timecode via RS 232 and use MTC at the REMOTE connector for a sequencer or similar. Of course, DMX output at the REMOTE connector is not possible either.
For SMPTE offset you can specify a period of time which is to be added to the incoming timecode. It is also possible to enter negative times as offset. The resulting timecode value, however, must never fall below zero, as Wings Vioso RX automatically sets negative values to zero.
For SMPTE timeout enter a period of time for Wings Vioso RX to continue playback after timecode is no longer available. It does not make sense to enter values below 100 ms. The default setting is 1,000 ms.
At After SMPTE timeout you can define the activity to be performed after timeout:
Reset timecode ...causes the system to be without valid time; playback stops and the Locator jumps to the last starting position.
Keep last timecode value ...the system retains the timecode value received last plus timeout and stops likewise.
Continue timecode ...if timecode is no longer available playback is continued via the PC clock.
Further information can be found under Timecode synchronization.
You should only change the default settings if you have good reasons to do so.
PC Baud rate ... specifies the speed of communication between PC and SC Master via the serial port. Higher values are possible for very complex applications. At a setting of 115200 Bauds the serial cable must not be longer than 5 m.
Command cycle ... specifies the interval between the individual commands from Wings Vioso RX to the SC Master.
Cues/s from FlashCard ...defines the number of cues per second that are stored on CF Card and that are executed by the SC Master during playback. This setting has an influence on the data rate and can be reduced for simpler applications, if necessary.
See also