Manual creation of a project

As a rule, you should create a project using a Wizard or via templates. This way numerous settings will automatically be done for you. In principle, however, it is also possible to create a project manually. This requires the following steps:

    1. Adding a timeline ... every project requires at least one timeline. See Adding timeline.

    2. Configuring devices ... is only necessary for a slide show or for show control. See Configuring the device control.

    3. Configuring screens... only necessary when pictures or videos are used. See Configuring screens.

    4. Specifying parameters for display data ... only necessary when pictures or videos are used. See Display data.

    5. Creating tracks ... can be done automatically by dragging a media file into the timeline window. See also Adding or removing tracks.

    6. Specifying the output for track contents ... this is done via the track properties by allocating screens/screen fields or audio outputs, etc. For show control objects, the output is specified via the object.

    7. Creating a project folder and Save project ... to save media files to the corresponding folder.

    See also

    Templates for new projects

    Project Wizards