Templates for new projects

If you keep using special configurations and device setups for your projects, creating your own templates will help to save you a lot of time. Templates can be used for storing any editing stages of a project. You can use them, for instance, to prepare device setups, timelines or whole media libraries for new projects.

Saving your own templates

  1. Prepare a project as desired.

  2. Click on tab Comment (next to Audio Level) and enter a short description of your template.

  3. In the main menu click on File – Save as Template. Now save your template under the desired name.

Remark:  Use the default template folder for the templates to be available for the Wizards. See also Paths in Wings Vioso RX.

Opening templates

  1. In the function bar below the main menu click on   New...  or in the main menu on File and New....

  2. On the left, click on Project Templates and select the required template by double-clicking it on the right.

  3. If you click Save later on, the template is not overwritten because it is saved as project and not as template.  

Only those templates are displayed which are saved in the template folder ...Documents and Programs\User name\Application data\AV Stumpfl\Wings 5\Templates.

See also

Importing from other projects