Saving Avio configurations

Information about the links between Avio components is saved locally and automatically. Every Avio node saves its incoming connections. However, Avio Manager also allows you to save particular configurations.

Please note the following:


Saving the Avio configuration on a data carrier:

    1. Start all system components and open the old Avio Manager (Programs - AV Stumpfl - Wings Avio Manager). Make sure that all Avio nodes are active.

    2. At the top of the Avio Manager click Settings to show the Options.

    3. Click Save Configuration, following which a list of all available Avio nodes appears. Check the required Avio nodes for completeness. Any nodes that are not required can be disabled so that they are disregarded when the project is saved.

    4. At the top next to Project Path enter a path for saving the project, by clicking Select Folder.

    5. Click Save to save the configuration. Should the selected folder already contain a configuration it will be overwritten after querying whether the information is to be combined. Select the required option.

    6. After saving the project, the folder containing the Avio configuration is displayed for control purposes. The information for every node is saved to a different subfolder.

    See also

    Wings Avio Manager