Wings Vioso Avio Resources

OnceWings Vioso has been recognized by Avio Manager the following channels will be available by default for linking up with other Avio channels. Moreover, Triggers (TriggerIn), Variables (ValuesIn and ValuesOut) and Track sliders (TrackSlider) are also listed in the Avio Manager provided they have been set up in the Wings project and enabled for Avio.


Play  ...starts playback

Pause  ...pauses playback

Timeline Index and Marker Index  ...are used as jump and playback targets for Timelines and Markers in combination with Play or Start Presentation.

Start Presentation  ...starts the presentation in Fullscreen Mode.

Continue  ...continues paused playback.

Stop  ...terminates playback. Full-screen mode remains.

Escape  ...identical to the Escape key

Is Stopped  ...output of value 1 in editing mode.

Is Playing  ...output of value 1 in playback or presentation mode.

Is Paused  ...output of value 1 during paused playback.

Is Recording  ...output of value 1 during data recording.

Is Rec. Paused  ...output of value 1 during record pause mode for data recording.

Is Processing  ...output of value 1 during export, e.g. while a video file is being rendered.

Is Creating Graphic  ...output of value 1 while graphics preview or intermediate video data are being rendered.

Is Vioso Calibrating  ...output of value 1 if a VIOSO calibration is running.

Volume  ...controls the master control for audio playback


Text channel 1 ... 10  ...output of text information of note objects. See also Sending text to Wings Touch or other Avio resources.


For every timeline in a project and for the currently used timeline (Current) there is a corresponding folder which provides the information on the following channels:

Elapsed Time 1st Object  ...defines the locator position as the elapsed time with reference to the beginning of the first timeline object in milliseconds.

Elapsed Time Absolut  ...defines the Locator position as the time in milliseconds elapsed from the beginning of the timeline.

Remaining Time  ...defines the locator position as the remaining time with reference to the end of the last timeline object in milliseconds (countdown).

Length  ...defines the period from the beginning of the first to the end of the last timeline object.

Position [Percent] Rising  ...defines the percentage of the entire timeline content that has already been played back (100 % corresponds to the period from the beginning of the first to the end of the last object).

Position [Percent] Falling  ...defines the percentage of the entire timeline content that still needs to be played back (100 % corresponds to the period from the beginning of the first to the end of the last object).

Time Start [ms] (First Object)  ...defines the beginning of the first timeline object in milliseconds.

Time Start [ms] (First Object)  ...defines the end of the last timeline object in milliseconds.

Timeline Name/Current Timeline  ...defines the name of the current timeline.


Status  ...alternating output of 0 and 1. This channel can be used to check whether Wings Vioso is still “alive”.