Sending/receiving commands via the computer's LAN interface

This function is only available for Wings Engines or with an Avio dongle.

Use the Avio Service to configure the computer's LAN interface to send or receive serial commands. For this purpose you need a suitable driver for the device to be controlled.

    1. Click the Avio Services icon and select Settings. Enable Device control by clicking the corresponding switch. Finish by clicking Apply Changes.

    1. Right-click the Avio Service icon again and select Configure Network/RS232 Devices... (enabled)

    2. Under Available Drivers click Add File and select the appropriate driver in the file dialog. The supplied drivers can be found in the following folder:

    C:\ProgramData\AV Stumpfl\Drivers


    1. After adding the drivers highlight the corresponding driver in list Available Drivers and click Install to install the driver.

    2. In field Installed Drivers highlight the corresponding driver, after which the options for configuration will appear on the right.

    Note: If the options for serial control fail to appear flag Network=1 is missing in the ptd drivers.

    1. After configuration has been completed click Save. Now Avio Service needs to be restarted which you can do by clicking Restart. Note: The Avio Service icon in the bottom right corner indicates if a restart is necessary.

    2. Now start the Avio Manager. The driver can be found at the Avio Service of the corresponding computer. Link up the channels as required. See Linking driver commands.


    See also

    Using Wings IOboxes for control purposes

    Wings Avio Service - An overview