Time-controlled execution of functions

The Avio Service Scheduler allows time-controlled execution of functions. Note: As an alternative there is also Avio Calendar available.

    1. Click the Avio Service icon and select Settings. Enable Scheduler by clicking the corresponding switch. Finish by clicking Apply Settings.

    2. Click on the Avio Service icon again and select Configure Scheduler...

    3. Click Create new schedule in the top left corner and a new entry will appear.

    4. Highlight the entry and configure it on the left:

    5. Name  ...enter the desired name to appear in Avio Manager. The address is assigned automatically and should only be changed in exceptional cases.

    6. Time  ...here you enter a time in hours and minutes when the function is to be performed.

    7. Weekdays  ...here you enable the weekdays when the function is to be performed. Click Select all to choose all weekdays. When you select Every Week the weekday selection is enabled for every week in the year. However, if you choose Every nth Week you can define the time interval in weeks for performing the function, i.e. every 4 weeks.

    Below it you can find two global options:

    1. Show Scheduler String  ...allows display of the next scheduled event. In such a case Port Scheduler shows a new port SchedulerString in Avio Manager. It contains the name of the next event. If also Show Time To Next is enabled, the time to this event is displayed in channel TimeToNextEvent in format “HH-MM-SS”.

    2. Show Time To Next  ...allows display of the time to the next event. In this case channel TimeToNextEvent is displayed in port Scheduler. It shows the seconds to expire before the next Event is executed. If you want to get a time display in format “HH-MM-SS” additionally to the numerical second value Show SchedulerString must be enabled additionally.

    1. If necessary you can add further scheduler entries likewise. Following this you click Save to save the configuration.

    1. When you start Avio Manager you will find folder Scheduler under Avio Service containing the configured Scheduler entries. You can now link them up with the desired functions. At the specified point of time the Scheduler channel is set to 1 for 3 seconds. See also Wings Avio Manager - An Overview.

    The Scheduler also features the channel EnableScheduler which allows it to be disabled and re-enabled again. This is a useful feature if there are maintenance activities to be performed during an installation or if the customary show mode is to be interrupted.