Automatic creation of a digital slide show

This Wizard is the fastest and simplest way to create a slide show with dissolves. Only few steps are required:

1. Adding pictures

    1. In the tool bar click New and select Project Wizards in the left field of the dialog displayed.

    2. From the list, select Automatic creation of a digital slide show and click OK.

    3. The next thing is to add the corresponding images. There are three options for this:

    4. Select pictures individually  ...after clicking the button a file dialog appears which allows selection of single or groups of pictures which can be added by clicking Open.

    5. All pictures in a folder ...after clicking the button a dialog appears which allows selection of a folder. After clicking OK all the pictures and the subfolder contained in this folder are added to the show.

    6. Via Drag & Drop  ...this is a particularly easy way of organizing a show. Just open the Windows Explorer or your Image Browser and drag and drop the images in the desired order into the field next to the buttons.

    The field below shows the number of pictures contained in the show.

    2. Defining slide show properties

    You can now make the settings that decide how your slide show is to be presented:

    3. Finish and start playback

      1. Now click Finish, for all the pictures to be displayed in the timeline as a show. The display data may still need to be completed but this is done automatically in the background.

      2. You can start playback by hitting the space bar and the picture fades will be shown in the screen window. Stop playback by pressing the Esc key.

      3. (Paused) full screen mode at maximal quality is enabled by pressing the F5 key. Playback is started by pressing the Enter key. When your show contains pause markers, playback is paused at these locations. Press Enter to continue playback.

      4. To stop and terminate full screen mode, press Esc twice.


      See also

      Starting and stopping playback

      Creation of a new AV project