Creation of a new AV project

This Wizard helps you to create a project for a new digital AV show. If, however, you want to create a panorama or stereo show for playback with one PC and two video projectors, click here to find the necessary information.

This is how it is done:

    1. In the main menu click FileNew and select Project Wizards in the left field of the dialog displayed.

    2. From the list, select Creation of a new AV project and click OK.


    The screen window is used for show previews. Several parameters need to be entered:

      1. Specify the Aspect ratio of the screen you want to use for your show. You can either base the setting on your pictures' aspect ratio or take a more creative approach in your choice. The aspect ratio can still be changed at a later time via the Screen Properties.

      2. Under Screen settings you define the output quality relative to the resolution:

      1. Click Next.

      Pool Template

      This dialog allows you to select a project template which is used as a basis for taking over Media Pool components into the new project. This way you can use ramps and effects as templates for a new show.

        1. Place a checkmark next to Add Media Pool components from following project template.

        2. The preselected template Default Pools contains a few ramps and control tracks for effects. If you want to import ramps or effects from a different project template, highlight the corresponding template by clicking it.

        3. Click Next.

        Media Pool

          1. Select the components you want to import. Without previous selection of a separate template you should leave the default settings for control tracks and ramps. Import of Media Pool components requires the Advanced License or up.

          2. Click Next.

          Tracks in the timeline

          1. Here you can enter the number of audio, image and video tracks you want to use for programming. If you leave the default value, you will still be able to add new tracks at a later time.

          2. You can check Group tracks to group all the tracks of a particular kind. This is particularly useful when a great number of tracks are being used. In this case groups of tracks can be hidden.

          3. Click Finish and the slide show is created. The timeline window appears.

          By default the render display with full screen display appears on Monitor 1. If you want to output the full screen to another monitor you need to change the settings in the Display Properties. And this is how it is done...

          You can now start by adding media files to the Media-Pool.