Multidisplay screen

Here you can make various settings for screen and display configuration.

    1. Under Output settings and Display size enter the resolution of an individual video projector or monitor. The resolution setting must correspond to the native display resolution, otherwise scaling artefacts may appear.

    2. At Displays enter the number and arrangement of displays, e.g. 3 x 1 for three displays or video projectors arranged next to each other. Note: The Pro License restricts output to two displays on one computer. Adding a checkmark next to Screen fields results in additional screen fields to be created for the displays, which would actually only make sense for a hard-edge arrangement.

    3. The next step is to enter Overlap or Total size. The resulting Total size or Overlap based on the entries is always displayed at the unedited parameter.

    Depending on the number of displays or video projectors, the display size and total size, overlapping areas for seamless soft edge projection will be formed. For a hard-edge projection the overlap must be zero. For displays placed at a distance from each other you can enter negative values for the overlap. This is quite useful for a number of plasma displays, which always have a border at a certain width.

    1. Under Multidisplay Configuration enter the hardware to be used:

    2. Manual display assignment  ...the displays must be assigned to the PC and graphics card outputs in the Properties Dialog. See also Display Properties.

    3. All displays on the master starting with monitor 1  ...the displays are assigned to the master graphics card outputs starting with output 1.

    4. All displays on the master starting with monitor 2  ...the displays are assigned to the master graphics card outputs starting with output 2, i.e. output 1 is not used.

    5. Displays on separate clients client set up for every display. Enter the IP address of the first client PC.  Click on Select computer to have all the active computers in the network displayed and select the corresponding one. The addresses of the other clients are incremented automatically. The computer you are currently working on automatically becomes the master.

    1. If you have a Wings VIOSO License you can enable VIOSO calibration for image correction in order to prepare the project.

    1. Click Next.


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