Remote control using Tascam US-224

The Tascam US-224 is an audio workstation controller which is no longer available new. If offers various ways of remote control which can be used for presentations with Wings Vioso RX.  In addition to this, Tascam US-224 features a high-quality audio converter with up to 24 bits and 96 kHz and  a number of analog and digital ports making a sound card superfluous. The US-224 is connected to a USB port and transmits its remote control data via MIDI. See illustration.

A further audio source, e.g. a microphone can be mixed in and added to the sound track in mode "Input Monitor" (press corresponding key on US-224).  Slider controls allow comfortable adjustment of the volume balance; it can also easily be adjusted during the presentation. The audio signal is directly applied to the active loudspeakers by the Tascam US-224. As an alternative, it is also possible to use passive loudspeakers and an amplifier.

The actual top feature, however, are the remote control functions. Open a presentation object and click on  Enable device ports in the function bar below the main menu. After pressing the F5 key and starting Presentation Mode the following functions are available via the keys on the US-224:

Playback  Play key,  green Play LED is on

Pause       Stop key, green Play LED is blinking

Stop        Press Stop key twice, the green Play LED goes dark

Jump to position markers     Locate keys (not possible in Presentation or Pause Mode)

Volume external source      Slider 1

Overall volume     Master slider

The Playback status is indicated by the Play LED, thus allowing easy monitoring during the presentation.  Moreover, the Play key can also be found in the darkness without any problems.

The Tascam US-224 must be registered with the Wings Vioso RX device control. By the way, this is also possible via the larger Tascam 428. ... ....Registering and configuring Tascam US-224.