Wings RX Manager

Administration of the client PCs and configuration of the Render Engines are done in the RX Manager. It has a web interface which can be opened in the browser as follows:

    1. On the Master PC load a project in Wings Vioso RX RX and open the Render Displays by clicking Show Render Displays. It this fails check whether the network is enabled and, if applicable, click   Enable network.

    2. In the Media Pool on the left click on category Devices following which the master PC is listed on the right.

    3. Right-click Master or Client PC and select Wings RX Manager to make it open up in the Web browser:

    On the left you can see the menus, in the center the selection of master and/or client PCs and the corresponding configuration options on the right.

    Note: The Master/Client PC is only listed after the RenderEngines have been started and the Render Displays opened.

    This topic provides information on the following:


    Server Setup

    This menu is used for configuration of master and client PCs in a project.

      1. On the left click Server Setup and select the required PC in the center for the setup options to be displayed on the right.

      1. Buttons Restart and Shutdown allow you to restart or to shut down the PC.

      2.  IP Address shows the address that is currently used for connecting this PC .

      3. Click DELETE to delete this PC from the list of connected servers.

      When you click the yellow plus button at the bottom of the server list you can add servers even if they are not yet online. This is useful for project preparation.

      Output Setup

      This menu is used for configuration of the display outputs and for EDID management provided this is supported  by the graphics card  (e.g. by Nvidia Quadro series).

        1. Click Output Setup on the left and select the required PC in the center following which the options for setting and operation are listed.

        1. When you click on a graphics card in the list the buttons and outputs are listed below. Click on the PC names in the top right corner and you return to the previous view.

        2. There are two outputs each for Display Port. This depends on the corresponding operating mode or the connected devices (HDMI, DVI, etc.), respectively. When you click on one Output the following Properties are listed:

        1. After you have made all the necessary settings you can go back to the output overview by clicking the graphics card name in the top right corner.

        Input Setup

        This menu is used for video input configuration. Sorry, but his function has not been documented yet.


        Click this menu to show the log information of all PCs and of the RX Manager. This dialog can be accessed directly by double-clicking the control panel field of a master or client PC.