Configuration SC LAN Relay 8 out

This function requires the Advanced License and up or the Show Control Module. See Versions and licenses.

An SC LAN Relay 8 out can only be used if its IP address lies within the Wings Vioso RX computer address space. Instructions on how to set the IP address can be found in the SC LAN Module operating instructions.

    1. Click category Devices in the Media Pool.

    2. Right-click some free space in the right Media Pool portion and select Stumpfl SC LAN SC LAN Relay 8 out.

    3. Enter the module IP address. If you do not know the IP address, you can use our software Iseo Designer to find out about it or alter it if necessary. If you want to alter the last address group only, click Network to do so directly.

    4. Close the dialog by clicking OK.

    5. In the Media Pool on the left under Devices click SC LAN Relay 8 out, to highlight the device port.

    6. Right-click the right Media Pool section and select Add devices.

    7. Place a checkmark next to Switch output and enter the number of switch outputs to be added.

    8. Finally, click OK.

    You can now drag the switch outputs into a universal track and program the appropriate switching functions. See also Programming switches.