This function requires at least a Pro License. See Licenses and functions.
Usually, the time basis for realtime effects is provided by object or timeline portions, a time specification or the PC clock. However, it is also possible to control the animation of effects via external devices, e.g. audio level, slider, joystick, DMX, etc. The devices supported by Wings Vioso RX are listed in topic Using external input devices. Control elements, such as sliders, joysticks or audio levels are particularly suited for this purpose since they, as opposed to switches, have a control range.
Please note that external control of effect parameters in multidisplay shows is not available for networked client computers but only for multidisplay systems with one PC.
Let's illustrate this on the example of an audio level:
Configure the corresponding device in the Media Pool, e.g. Audio Level. In the Media Pool click on category Devices.
Right-click some free space in the Media Pool on the right and select Add port PC Hardware
Audio Level.
Following this, device port Audio Level is added, which is displayed after clicking the plus sign next to Devices.
Highlight device port Audio Level and the individual channels will be displayed as devices on the right, e.g. Peak and RMS.
Highlight the object whose effects need to be controlled. At the desired effect enter Device as time basis, e.g. Device for Animation - Base instead of Display time.
Now drag the corresponding device from the Media Pool and drop it into the Properties Table in the empty field next to Device. In our case drag and drop Peak 01 (L) into the empty field next to Device.
In the toolbar below the main menu click Enable device ports so that the button is depressed. This is actually not necessary for audio levels but for any other devices.
If you move the control of your external input device the effect should change. In our example you need to place an audio object parallel to the object containing the effect and then start playback.
See also
Editing effects in the Properties Table
Visual effects