When is it useful to export a file?

Wings Vioso RX usually works non-destructive, i.e. all editing steps can be modified or undone. The actual files on hard disk remain unchanged. When exporting files, however, new data are saved on the hard disk which also contain all editing steps for the objects. The following examples show that, despite this fact, exporting files may sometimes be useful:

Cutting comment versions

You only need to keep the very best comment versions that you produced on the basis of a raw recording. For this purpose it may useful to select particular comments and export them as individual audio files to the hard disk. After you have finished, you can delete the voluminous original file including all versions from the hard disk again.

Writing sound mix onto CD

Once you have finished creating a sound track or a radio play you may want to write it as a whole onto a CD. To do so, you will, first of all, have to export all audio objects into a wave file of 44,100 Hz and 16 bits. This file can then be written onto CD.

Exporting files to other programs

The export function can also be used when a sample prepared in Wings Vioso RX is to be used in a different program as well. Please consider the formats supported by the other program.

Saving computer power

Comprehensive sound arrangements with a high number of parallel sound objects and active Effect PlugIns may result in reduced computer speed for older models. Such passages can be exported and replaced by the exported file. If you activate Option Replace original objects by exported audio file, an object is automatically inserted at the corresponding position in the timeline.